High Style: Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture opens!


Everyone at the FIDM Museum is so excited that High Style: Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture is now open to the public! Curators Christina Johnson and Kevin Jones have been working on this exhibition for 3 years and all of their careful planning has resulted in a fantastic exhibition. We plan to feature exhibition related content on our blog over the next few weeks, so stick with us! In the meantime, here are a few photos from the exhibition opening party.

You can read a great article from WWD about Betsy Bloomingdale here. Be sure to check out the slideshow of additional images.

If you are interested in purchasing the exhibition catalog, visit the FIDM Museum Shop.

Betsy Bloomingdale viewing the exhibition.


View of gallery 3

Mrs. Bloomingdale’s first view of the exhibition catalog. From left to right: Christina Johnson, Betsy Bloomingdale, Barbara Bundy (VP of FIDM), Kevin Jones

James Galanos and Betsy Bloomingdale at the opening party. Galanos is one of the designers featured in the exhibition.

Betsy Bloomingdale and her granddaughters, all of whom were interviewed during the research phase of the exhibition. Video footage of the interviews is an important part of the exhibition. From left to right: Berry Bloomingdale, Betsy Bloomingdale, Hayley Bloomingdale, Jane Bloomingdale-Cisneros

10 responses to “High Style: Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture opens!

  1. think i’ll walk the few blocks from c&b studio to ogle…

  2. Rachel says:

    You’ll definitely enjoy the show. We’ll look forward to seeing you there!

  3. Erick says:

    Just got the catalog in the mail—it is wonderful!
    I have long admired Mrs. Bloomingdale for such a long time. Will any of the video footage be made available on line?

  4. Rachel says:


    So glad you like the catalog. During the next few weeks, we plan to feature at least one of the interview segments seen in the exhibition. We want those of you who live outside of Los Angeles to see as much of the exhibition as possible!

  5. Erick says:


    Can’t wait—-I hate that I can’t see it in person!

  6. James says:

    I have been a great fan of Mrs. Bloomingdale for some time. Out of all of the modern social diplomats, she is the best…truly Good Queen Betts as I hear she is nick-named. I’ve just purchased a catalogue from the FIDM store and am hoping to visit Los Angeles in December and take in the exhibit.

    Thank you for having this information available.


  7. John says:

    I was in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hills Hotel in November 2009 celebrating my 50th birthday when this exhibit opened. I was traveling with a friend and our time was planned almost to the minute, so I was not able to visit the museum. “Heartbroken” is the only word that describes how I felt at the time and still feel about missing this opportunity. I follow Mrs. Bloomingdale as much as possible in the press and have for years. She is a true doyenne of the fashion scene and lives a life to be exemplified. Hopefully my schedule will permit me to visit Los Angeles again next year and visit the museum and this exquisite exhibit. I was wondering, is Mrs. Bloomingdale ever at the museum? I would be forever grateful for the chance to meet her.

  8. Rachel says:

    Hi John,

    Sorry you weren’t able to catch High Style when you were in Los Angeles! If you are interested, you can purchase a catalog via our Museum Shop: http://bit.ly/emra3D.

    The High Style actually closed in Dec. 2009, so isn’t available for viewing any longer. We are about to open a new exhibition called FABULOUS, which will open on September 13, 2011. Come visit us during this show if you can!

  9. Jacquelyn Goudeau says:

    So glad to find the Youtube video of this exhibit.
    I feel it is time to Re-introduce COUTURE into the CYCLE OF FASHION HISTORY.
    THIS is part of my passion…and Betsy Bloomingdale did this without the Ego grandisement. Voila!
    I can work with that…finally!
    Jacquelyn Goudeau
    Bay Area, Ca.

  10. Jacquelyn Goudeau says:

    How do I get a copy of the catalogue…for teaching purposes? Anyone have an idea?

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