Opportunites to share your research

Summer is the perfect time to plan your next research project. Submission deadlines are often in late summer or early fall, so it's necessary to at least outline new projects during the lazy summer months. Today's post features a round-up of upcoming opportunities to share your research, including conferences and publications.

200686524abTextile, c. 1938, Gift of Roberta Tuller, 2006.865.24AB
Enjoy your summer, but don't forget about upcoming opportunities!



Women in Clothes, to be published in 2014, aims to "explore the multiplicity of motives that inform how women decide to present themselves, and what style means." Given that the authors are seeking a variety of submissions, including "conversations, interviews, essays, surveys, diagrams and drawings," this book will be an eclectic exploration of self-presentation and style. The authors are soliciting contributors here.

Fashion, Style & Popular Culture
is a new academic journal focusing on a variety of topics related to
fashion, style, consumption and popular culture. The first issue will be
published in 2014, and the editors are currently soliciting for a
variety of special issues. See a full list of topics here.



The Costume Society of America's Annual Symposium is a fantastic opportunity to gather with other fashion history enthusiasts. If you follow this blog, you'll know that the FIDM Museum participates every year. The 2014 conference will be the 40th anniversary of CSA, so there's sure to be special events and/or speakers to mark the occasion. The submission deadline is October 1, 2013. More details on the conference and submission requirements here.

The theme for the Costume Colloquium IV is "Colors in Fashion." Held every two years in Florence, Italy, the Costume Colloquium brings together a diverse group of scholars to examine select areas of dress history. Associate Curator Christina Johnson presented at the Costume Colloquium III in 2012. The submission deadline for the Costume Colloquium IV is August 22, 2013. Find more information on suggested topics and themes here.

The annual Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association conference is large and eclectic, highlighting a broad range of pop culture topics. "Fashion, Style, Appearance, Consumption & Design," is one of the many subject areas represented. The submission deadline for PCA/ACA is November 1, 2013. More information on this conference can be found here.


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